Thinking and talking about the Amazon and its beauties is always good and make us dream in take part of it, but having a JUNGLE TOUR IN THE AMAZON is even better.

                       Although, it is good to consider some points before having a decision of coming to this majestic place.





                         People are always asking...which season is better to come to the Amazon, and to be honest, there is no better time or season to enjoy a

                        JUNGLE TRIP IN THE AMAZON. For example, from January to July it is the WET SEASON, there is much of the flooded forest ( known as IGAPÓS by the Amazonians).

                        It is the period we do a lot of canoe paddling into the small creeks and among the trees, seeing and feeling the sunrays. It is during this period that some animals like sloths can be seen (Sometimes). So, you can imagine that it is not the best time for fishing, as the water level is quite high. On the other hand From August to November - and a bit of December, water level is low and the IGAPÓS disappears, giving places to sandy beaches and rocky islands (If it is on the Black River) little channels

and making the parties of SPORTING FISHER MEN looking for the famous peakcook bass fish and some others like Auanãs and big Catfish.




                           The famous meeting of the rivers is an amazing phenomenon apart, but the difference between the two rivers is not just right at the meeting point, but the way people live in each river. It also affects directly in the biodiversity and wildlife in general, so you can also imagine that it influences on  your experience when visiting the Amazon

Again is good to understand that it does not mean that one place is better than the other, of course, it just means that you can have different experience on the river you choose for your eventual JUNGLE TRIP IN THE AMAZON




                            As a jungle man, I am very likely to suggest an Amazon experience in a Jungle Lodge or on a River boat, as for me what matters is... being in the jungle no matter how it is. Although, it is known that there is a difference between them in terms of availability, and the difference is more o about the flexibility of the programs. Jungle lodges offer experience in your place of preference(  or the place you choose), in collective or private comfortable chalets. River Boats - Or Houseboats -  can offer an experience in your place of preference - place you choose - or experience different places, like brawn and black rivers, depending on your time and budget. River boat trips tend to be more flexible, as it keeps changing the locations during the tour, in order to do the activities.

                          Important to say that JUNGLE LODGES OR RIVER BOATS trips offer visitors all the activities available in a JUNGLE TOUR IN THE AMAMZON




                           For this type of experience, we esk you to contact us for detailed information, as this package is very individual.


                          Send message for any question, details or doubts  about all kinds of experience in the Amazon

                          See  PACKAGES


                           Important to point that in both trips